
All of our makers tell us about their drive to create something that is good quality, has integrity and above all, is sustainable and sustainable for Scotland. These values lie at the heart of Made Scotland. Buying from our makers can be the difference between putting on a face cream that was made in an unknown factory, thousands of miles away, before being shipped across the world… and being made here in Scotland, by a maker who can tell us about every ingredient and process involved. It’s the difference between a functional product and one with an emotional connection. In addition to this we’re inspired by the lengths to which makers will go to be sustainable, from Katy at Imprint Casts getting old packaging free on Facebook and using leftover sample pots to paint, to Amy Britton’s tireless quest to find the last missing piece in her jigsaw, that of finding a British-made lining for her tweed purses.

Another thing that is striking is how many of our makers talk about nature being at the heart of their creativity. Whether the product being harvested or the colours inspired, so often makers talk about their creations being entwined with the landscape.  With this in mind, and in recognition of the urgency of the climate crisis, we are supporting the Scottish Wildlife Trust which has been championing the diversity of Scotland’s wildlife for over 50 years, working towards its vision of healthy, resilient ecosystems across Scotland’s land and seas. The Trust champions the cause of wildlife from policy and campaigning work, engages in practical conservation and inspires people to get involved. It also manages around 120 wildlife reserves around Scotland and is a member of the UK-wide Wildlife Trusts.